Available Endpoints to manage Webhooks
Create Subscription
POST /webhooks/v2/subscriptions,
Creates a subscription. It can start listening to events for a set of specific topics required.
Get Subscriptions
GET /webhooks/v2/subscriptions,
Brings all the available subscriptions from the company with its information.
Get Subscription
GET /webhooks/v2/subscriptions/:subscriptionId
Brings the information of a specific subscription.
Update Subscription
PUT /webhooks/v2/subscriptions/:subscriptionId
Updates an existing subscription technical contact and also can update the topics that want to listen.
Delete Subscription
DELETE /webhooks/v2/subscriptions/:subscriptionId
Deletes an active subscription so it can no longer receive messages.
Test Event
POST /webhooks/v2/subscriptions/:subscriptionId/test-event,
Sends an event that is not persisted in the database. It only lets verify if the webhook listener is receiving the event
Get Topics
GET /webhooks/v2/topics
Brings all the available topics that a company can subscribe to get events
Updated 14 days ago